Travelling Salesman Problem with subtour elimination#
Description: this example shows how to solve a TSP by eliminating subtours using amplpy and ampls
Tags: callbacks, tsp
Notebook author: Christian Valente <>
Model author: N/A
import os
if not os.path.isdir("tsp_inputs"):
os.system("git clone")
Setup and cloud integration#
# Install dependencies
%pip install -q amplpy amplpy-gurobi amplpy-cplex
%pip install -q tsplib95 matplotlib pandas
# Google Colab & Kaggle integration
from amplpy import AMPL, ampl_notebook
ampl = ampl_notebook(
modules=["coin"], # modules to install
license_uuid="default", # license to use
) # instantiate AMPL object and register magics
import os
TSP_FILE = "./tsp_inputs/a280.tsp"
SOLVER = "gurobi"
SOLVER_OPTIONS = ["outlev=1"]
# Import utilities
from amplpy import AMPL # pip install amplpy
if SOLVER == "gurobi":
import amplpy_gurobi as ampls # pip install amplpy-gurobi
elif SOLVER == "cplex":
import amplpy_cplex as ampls # pip install amplpy-cplex
elif SOLVER == "xpress":
import amplpy_xpress as ampls # pip install amplpy-gurobi
import tsplib95 as tsp # pip install tsplib95
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # pip install matplotlib
import matplotlib.colors as colors
from time import time
import pandas as pd
plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 200
Define TSP model in AMPL#
We are using amplpy to define the subtour elimination constraint in AMPL and instantiating it appropriately and ampls to add cuts directly from the solver callback.
set NODES ordered;
param hpos {NODES};
param vpos {NODES};
set PAIRS := {i in NODES, j in NODES: ord(i) < ord(j)};
param distance {(i,j) in PAIRS}
:= sqrt((hpos[j]-hpos[i])**2 + (vpos[j]-vpos[i])**2);
var X {PAIRS} binary;
minimize Tour_Length: sum {(i,j) in PAIRS} distance[i,j] * X[i,j];
subject to Visit_All {i in NODES}:
sum {(i, j) in PAIRS} X[i,j] + sum {(j, i) in PAIRS} X[j,i] = 2;
Function to load TSP data files and return a dictionary of (nodeid : coordinate)
def getDictFromTspFile(tspFile):
p = tsp.load(tspFile)
if not p.is_depictable:
print("Problem is not depictable!")
# Amendments as we need the nodes lexographically ordered
nnodes = len(list(p.get_nodes()))
i = 0
while nnodes > 1:
nnodes = nnodes / 10
i += 1
formatString = f"{{:0{i}d}}"
nodes = {
formatString.format(value): p.node_coords[index + 1]
for index, value in enumerate(p.get_nodes())
return nodes
Create AMPL object with amplpy and load model and data
# Get the model from the cell above
tsp_model = _ampl_cells[0]
# Load model in AMPL
ampl = AMPL()
ampl.option["solver"] = SOLVER
ampl.option[SOLVER + "_options"] = " ".join(SOLVER_OPTIONS)
# Set problem data from tsp file
nodes = getDictFromTspFile(TSP_FILE)
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(nodes, orient="index", columns=["hpos", "vpos"]) = "NODES"
ampl.set_data(df, "NODES")
# Set some globals that never change during the execution of the problem
NODES = set(nodes.keys())
node: complex(coordinate[0], coordinate[1]) for (node, coordinate) in nodes.items()
Define some helpers functions to plot the tours
def plotTours(tours: list, points_coordinate: dict):
# Plot all the tours in the list each with a different color
colors = ["b", "g", "c", "m", "y", "k"]
for i, tour in enumerate(tours):
tourCoordinates = [points_coordinate[point.strip("'")] for point in tour]
color = colors[i % len(colors)]
plot_all(tourCoordinates, color=color)
def plot_all(tour, alpha=1, color=None):
# Plot the tour as blue lines between blue circles
plotline(list(tour) + [tour[0]], alpha=alpha, color=color)
plotline([tour[0]], "s", alpha=alpha, color=color)
def plotline(points, style="o-", alpha=1, color=None):
"Plot a list of points (complex numbers) in the 2-D plane."
X, Y = XY(points)
if color:
plt.plot(X, Y, style, alpha=alpha, color=color)
plt.plot(X, Y, style, alpha=alpha)
def XY(points):
"Given a list of points, return two lists: X coordinates, and Y coordinates."
return [p.real for p in points], [p.imag for p in points]
Define some helper functions to help with the graphs (e.g. get the subtour given a set of arcs)
# Graphs helper routines
def trasverse(node, arcs: set, allnodes: set, subtour=None) -> list:
# Trasverses all the arcs in the set arcs, starting from node
# and returns the tour
if not subtour:
subtour = list()
# Find arcs involving the current node
myarcs = [(i, j) for (i, j) in arcs if node == i or node == j]
if len(myarcs) == 0:
# Append the current node to the current subtour
# Use the first arc found
myarc = myarcs[0]
# Find destination (or origin) node
destination = next(i for i in myarc if i != node)
# Remove from arcs and nodes to visit
if node in allnodes:
trasverse(destination, arcs, allnodes, subtour)
return subtour
def findSubTours(arcs: set, allnodes: set):
"""Find all the subtours defined by a set of arcs and
return them as a list of list
subtours = list()
allnodes = allnodes.copy()
while len(allnodes) > 0:
l = trasverse(next(iter(allnodes)), arcs, allnodes)
return subtours
AMPLPY implementation of sub-tours elimination
def amplSubTourElimination(ampl: AMPL):
# Add the constraint and the needed parameters
subToursAMPL = """param nSubtours >= 0 integer, default 0;
set SUB {1..nSubtours} within NODES;
subject to Subtour_Elimination {k in 1..nSubtours}:
sum {i in SUB[k], j in NODES diff SUB[k]}
if (i, j) in PAIRS then X[i, j] else X[j, i] >= 2;"""
nSubtoursParam = ampl.get_parameter("nSubtours")
SubtoursSet = ampl.get_set("SUB")
allsubtours = list()
while True: # Repeat until the solution contains only one tour
# Get solution
ARCS = ampl.get_data("{(i,j) in PAIRS : X[i,j] > 0} X[i,j];")
ARCS = set([(i, j) for (i, j, k) in ARCS.toList()])
subtours = findSubTours(ARCS, NODES)
# If we have only one tour, the solution is valid
if len(subtours) <= 1:
print(f"Found {len(subtours)} subtours, plotting them and adding cuts")
plotTours(subtours, CPOINTS)
# Else add the current tours to the list of subtours
# And add those to the constraints by assigning the values to
# the parameter and the set
for i, tour in enumerate(allsubtours):
SubtoursSet[i + 1].set_values(tour)
ampls callbacks implementation of subtours elimination
# Callback class that actually add the cuts if subtours are found in a solution
class MyCallback(ampls.GenericCallback):
def __init__(self):
# Constructor, simply sets the iteration number to 0
self.iteration = 0
def run(self):
# For each solution
if self.getAMPLWhere() == ampls.Where.MIPSOL:
self.iteration += 1
print(f"\nIteration {self.iteration}: Finding subtours")
sol = self.getSolutionVector()
arcs = [xvars[i] for i, value in enumerate(sol) if value > 0]
subTours = findSubTours(set(arcs), set(vertices))
if len(subTours) == 1:
print("No subtours detected. Not adding any cut")
return 0
print(f"Adding {len(subTours)} cuts")
plotTours(subTours, CPOINTS)
for subTour in subTours:
st1 = set(subTour)
nst1 = set(vertices) - st1
externalArcs = [
(i, j) if i < j else (j, i) for i in st1 for j in nst1
varsExternalArcs = [xinverse[i, j] for (i, j) in externalArcs]
coeffs = [1 for i in range(len(varsExternalArcs))]
print("Adding cut for subtour:", st1)
varsExternalArcs, coeffs, ampls.CutDirection.GE, 2
if len(subTours) == 2:
return 0
print("Continue solving")
return 0
except Exception as e:
print("Error:", e)
return 1
# Global variables to store entities needed by the callbacks
# that never change
xvars = None
xinverse = None
vertices = None
def solverSubTourElimination(ampl: AMPL, solver, solver_options):
global xvars, xinverse, vertices
# Export the model using ampls
model = ampl.to_ampls(solver, solver_options)
# Get the global maps between solver vars and AMPL entities
varMap = model.getVarMapFiltered("X")
# print("varMap:", varMap)
inverse = model.getVarMapInverse()
xvars = {index: ampls.var2tuple(var)[1:] for var, index in varMap.items()}
xinverse = {ampls.var2tuple(var)[1:]: index for index, var in inverse.items()}
vertices = list(
sorted(set([x[0] for x in xvars.values()] + [x[1] for x in xvars.values()]))
# Assign the callback
callback = MyCallback()
print("Start optimization")
# Start the optimization
# Import the solution back to AMPL
Script running the optimization
t0 = time()
solverSubTourElimination(ampl, SOLVER, SOLVER_OPTIONS)
Start optimization
Iteration 1: Finding subtours
Adding 5 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '127', '252', '088', '196', '039', '192', '098', '218', '031', '124', '121', '012', '066', '045', '023', '025', '038', '212', '097', '237', '062', '071', '172', '270', '096', '219', '040', '259', '058', '111', '244', '197', '036', '238', '154', '188', '240', '140', '273', '222', '151', '167', '194', '001', '087', '236', '003', '019', '024', '079', '280', '072', '226', '160', '175', '022', '109', '020', '067', '110', '070', '050', '182', '275', '044', '147', '201', '263', '228', '061', '076', '060', '026', '035', '138', '170', '260', '037', '239', '198', '266', '029', '106', '249', '055', '074', '007', '278', '131', '028'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'171', '276', '130', '102', '184', '082', '049', '103', '030', '125', '169', '274', '217', '165', '248', '101', '235', '262', '021', '146'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'203', '005', '100', '209', '241', '205', '269', '141', '271', '245', '257', '225', '199', '052', '264', '180', '134', '090', '002', '114', '161', '094', '065', '078', '164', '168', '157', '190', '008', '250', '027', '085', '221', '133', '277', '265', '247', '115', '063', '123', '118', '202', '093', '206', '261', '178', '176', '211', '047', '159', '105', '075', '246', '051', '117', '173', '129', '186', '153', '112', '099', '144', '272', '011', '073', '004', '174', '006', '018', '148', '229', '195', '135', '069', '119', '231', '234', '034', '242', '095', '017', '009', '255', '256', '227', '104', '137', '042', '081', '010', '210', '013', '214', '187', '230', '043', '158', '126', '083', '216', '113', '116', '142', '080', '268', '086', '091', '232', '189', '181', '193', '150', '223', '155', '243', '120', '046', '162', '064', '204', '015', '107', '077', '191', '200', '033', '054', '224', '108', '267', '233', '032', '156', '053', '048', '092', '220', '149', '207', '041', '215', '059', '056', '128', '279', '014', '136'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'163', '253', '145', '258'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'208', '057', '152', '132', '185', '068', '166', '016', '084', '254', '143', '213', '179', '139', '122', '183', '251', '177'}
Continue solving
Iteration 2: Finding subtours
Adding 70 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '090', '192', '191'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'127', '154', '153', '128'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'172', '171', '110', '109'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'030', '251', '029', '252'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'006', '276', '275', '005'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'088', '193', '087', '194'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'210', '071', '209', '072'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'075', '205', '206', '076'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'129', '130', '151', '152'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'139', '141', '140', '142'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'272', '010', '009', '271'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'036', '246', '035', '245'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'056', '055', '225', '226'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'229', '052', '230', '051'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'263', '018', '264', '017'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'101', '179', '180', '102'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'134', '147', '148', '133'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'161', '162', '119', '120'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'183', '098', '097', '184'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'123', '124', '157', '158'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'092', '091', '189', '190'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'257', '024', '023', '258'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'254', '027', '028', '253'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'086', '085', '195', '196'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'122', '160', '121', '159'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'222', '221', '059', '060'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'248', '034', '247', '033'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'215', '216', '065', '066'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'003', '278', '277', '004'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'267', '268', '013', '014'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'208', '074', '207', '073'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'235', '045', '236', '046'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'080', '079', '201', '202'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'187', '093', '188', '094'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'043', '044', '238', '237'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'062', '219', '061', '220'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'057', '224', '058', '223'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'104', '178', '103', '177'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'185', '186', '095', '096'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'270', '011', '012', '269'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'176', '175', '106', '105'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'260', '022', '021', '259'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'112', '111', '170', '169'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'117', '164', '118', '163'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'068', '213', '214', '067'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'174', '108', '107', '173'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'099', '100', '182', '181'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'084', '197', '198', '083'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'168', '167', '113', '114'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'261', '019', '262', '020'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'146', '135', '136', '145'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'211', '212', '069', '070'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'232', '231', '050', '049'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'001', '280', '002', '279'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'144', '143', '138', '137'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'255', '025', '026', '256'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'156', '126', '125', '155'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'081', '199', '082', '200'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'054', '228', '227', '053'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'233', '234', '048', '047'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'239', '041', '240', '042'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'063', '064', '218', '217'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'165', '115', '116', '166'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'031', '250', '249', '032'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'204', '203', '077', '078'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'039', '241', '242', '040'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'274', '008', '273', '007'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'266', '016', '015', '265'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'038', '037', '243', '244'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'132', '150', '131', '149'}
Continue solving
Iteration 3: Finding subtours
Adding 19 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '127', '005', '088', '100', '130', '141', '271', '196', '039', '199', '166', '082', '180', '134', '090', '161', '065', '078', '164', '168', '030', '125', '031', '157', '008', '124', '027', '121', '012', '133', '277', '066', '139', '101', '123', '063', '023', '025', '038', '118', '062', '071', '152', '178', '270', '176', '040', '159', '075', '111', '145', '129', '122', '163', '186', '153', '112', '169', '099', '197', '144', '179', '011', '036', '073', '004', '154', '006', '273', '140', '148', '018', '151', '167', '195', '021', '194', '135', '119', '069', '034', '003', '017', '019', '009', '024', '079', '072', '137', '042', '081', '010', '013', '187', '043', '158', '126', '083', '160', '175', '022', '080', '268', '091', '177', '109', '020', '067', '110', '070', '150', '155', '016', '120', '201', '162', '064', '015', '077', '061', '076', '200', '033', '060', '026', '035', '108', '267', '138', '032', '156', '037', '092', '198', '149', '274', '041', '165', '029', '132', '068', '074', '128', '007', '279', '278', '131', '014', '136', '028'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'172', '171', '170'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'252', '209', '263', '255', '219', '211', '256', '228', '259', '227', '257', '225', '226', '264', '224', '254', '210', '213', '214', '260', '230', '218', '250', '258', '220', '216', '221', '207', '265', '217', '251', '215', '208', '222', '248', '249', '229', '262', '253', '212', '261', '223'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'266', '203', '205', '202', '206', '204'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'243', '241', '247', '240', '244', '242', '245'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'052', '050', '051', '049', '053', '048'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'093', '095', '096', '094', '098', '097'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'188', '269', '189', '190'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'087', '115', '084', '113', '116', '085', '117', '114', '086'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'045', '054', '055', '056', '046', '047'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'232', '239', '246', '238', '231', '237'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'057', '044', '059', '058'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'181', '184', '185', '272', '182', '183'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'104', '276', '105', '103', '102'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'106', '173', '174', '107', '275'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'233', '235', '234', '236'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'001', '280', '002'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'146', '147', '143', '142'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'193', '192', '191'}
Continue solving
Iteration 4: Finding subtours
Adding 8 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '127', '171', '005', '088', '100', '130', '271', '039', '166', '052', '082', '090', '114', '161', '094', '065', '098', '078', '168', '030', '125', '031', '157', '190', '008', '124', '027', '085', '012', '133', '277', '121', '066', '045', '101', '115', '123', '063', '023', '025', '038', '118', '093', '097', '062', '057', '071', '152', '172', '178', '185', '176', '096', '047', '040', '159', '058', '105', '075', '111', '051', '117', '173', '129', '122', '163', '186', '153', '112', '169', '099', '272', '011', '036', '073', '004', '154', '188', '174', '006', '273', '018', '151', '167', '021', '119', '069', '034', '087', '276', '095', '017', '019', '009', '024', '102', '079', '104', '072', '042', '081', '010', '013', '103', '187', '043', '158', '126', '083', '160', '175', '022', '113', '116', '080', '086', '091', '177', '109', '020', '189', '181', '067', '110', '070', '050', '182', '275', '155', '044', '016', '120', '046', '162', '064', '015', '107', '077', '061', '076', '033', '184', '054', '060', '026', '035', '108', '049', '170', '032', '156', '053', '048', '037', '092', '274', '041', '165', '029', '106', '059', '056', '055', '132', '068', '074', '084', '128', '007', '131', '014', '028', '183'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'203', '252', '209', '147', '143', '205', '201', '263', '255', '141', '211', '204', '256', '219', '259', '196', '257', '137', '227', '228', '225', '200', '199', '226', '264', '224', '145', '254', '267', '210', '138', '213', '214', '260', '230', '218', '197', '198', '250', '258', '144', '216', '220', '142', '221', '207', '265', '139', '202', '217', '251', '215', '208', '266', '140', '222', '249', '229', '262', '195', '146', '194', '253', '212', '206', '261', '223'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'240', '232', '236', '243', '239', '235', '246', '241', '237', '233', '247', '238', '231', '234', '244', '242', '245'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'193', '180', '191', '192', '179', '164'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'270', '136', '134', '135', '269', '268'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'149', '150', '148'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'001', '280', '002', '003'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'278', '279', '248'}
Continue solving
Iteration 5: Finding subtours
Adding 12 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '171', '088', '100', '039', '166', '082', '090', '114', '161', '065', '094', '098', '078', '164', '168', '030', '125', '031', '157', '124', '121', '085', '066', '101', '123', '063', '115', '038', '118', '093', '097', '062', '071', '172', '096', '040', '159', '075', '111', '117', '122', '163', '112', '169', '099', '036', '073', '167', '119', '069', '034', '087', '095', '102', '079', '072', '042', '081', '043', '158', '083', '160', '175', '113', '116', '080', '086', '091', '109', '067', '110', '070', '120', '162', '064', '077', '061', '076', '033', '060', '035', '108', '170', '032', '037', '092', '041', '165', '068', '074', '084'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'127', '203', '005', '241', '205', '130', '269', '271', '196', '245', '257', '225', '264', '180', '134', '192', '002', '218', '190', '008', '250', '258', '027', '221', '012', '247', '133', '265', '277', '023', '025', '202', '212', '206', '261', '152', '178', '185', '270', '176', '211', '219', '259', '246', '254', '213', '129', '244', '186', '153', '197', '272', '179', '011', '238', '004', '154', '188', '240', '006', '222', '018', '273', '151', '229', '262', '195', '021', '194', '135', '231', '242', '001', '276', '003', '017', '009', '024', '255', '280', '256', '227', '137', '226', '010', '210', '013', '214', '187', '230', '126', '216', '022', '268', '251', '177', '189', '181', '193', '150', '182', '223', '155', '275', '243', '016', '201', '263', '204', '191', '228', '015', '184', '026', '224', '267', '138', '156', '260', '239', '198', '220', '207', '274', '217', '215', '266', '029', '248', '249', '128', '007', '279', '278', '014', '136', '028', '183'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'208', '209', '252', '253'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'140', '148', '146', '147', '143', '142', '149', '139', '141'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'051', '052', '050', '049'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'057', '044', '059', '045', '058', '056'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'232', '236', '235', '233', '234', '237'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'104', '103', '105'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'106', '107', '174', '173'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'132', '019', '020', '131'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'054', '055', '046', '053', '048', '047'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'199', '145', '200', '144'}
Continue solving
Iteration 6: Finding subtours
Adding 6 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '171', '088', '100', '039', '166', '082', '090', '114', '161', '065', '094', '098', '078', '164', '168', '030', '125', '031', '157', '124', '121', '085', '066', '101', '123', '063', '115', '038', '118', '093', '097', '062', '071', '172', '096', '040', '159', '105', '075', '111', '117', '173', '122', '163', '112', '169', '099', '036', '073', '174', '167', '119', '069', '034', '087', '095', '102', '079', '104', '072', '042', '081', '103', '043', '158', '083', '160', '175', '113', '116', '080', '086', '091', '109', '067', '110', '070', '120', '162', '064', '107', '077', '061', '076', '033', '060', '035', '108', '170', '032', '037', '092', '041', '165', '106', '068', '074', '084'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'127', '276', '005', '016', '017', '019', '009', '024', '130', '271', '015', '010', '026', '013', '129', '126', '008', '272', '022', '011', '012', '133', '277', '004', '274', '027', '006', '273', '018', '029', '020', '132', '128', '021', '023', '007', '025', '131', '014', '028', '275'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'203', '252', '209', '241', '205', '269', '141', '196', '245', '257', '225', '199', '264', '180', '134', '192', '002', '218', '190', '250', '258', '221', '247', '265', '139', '208', '202', '212', '206', '261', '237', '185', '178', '270', '176', '211', '219', '259', '246', '145', '254', '213', '244', '186', '197', '144', '179', '238', '188', '240', '140', '222', '148', '229', '235', '262', '195', '194', '135', '231', '234', '242', '001', '236', '003', '143', '255', '280', '256', '227', '137', '226', '210', '214', '187', '230', '216', '142', '268', '251', '177', '189', '232', '181', '193', '150', '182', '223', '243', '147', '201', '263', '204', '191', '228', '200', '184', '224', '267', '233', '138', '260', '239', '198', '220', '149', '207', '217', '215', '266', '249', '248', '146', '279', '278', '253', '136', '183'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'057', '044', '058', '059', '045', '056', '055', '052', '054', '050', '051', '049', '048', '046', '053', '047'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'156', '151', '152'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'154', '153', '155'}
Continue solving
Iteration 7: Finding subtours
Adding 5 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '171', '088', '100', '039', '166', '082', '090', '114', '161', '094', '098', '078', '164', '168', '030', '125', '031', '157', '124', '121', '085', '101', '123', '063', '115', '038', '118', '093', '097', '062', '071', '172', '096', '040', '159', '105', '058', '075', '111', '117', '173', '122', '163', '112', '169', '099', '036', '073', '174', '167', '119', '069', '034', '087', '095', '102', '079', '104', '072', '042', '081', '103', '043', '158', '083', '160', '175', '113', '116', '080', '086', '091', '109', '067', '110', '070', '120', '162', '107', '077', '061', '076', '033', '060', '035', '108', '170', '032', '037', '092', '041', '165', '106', '059', '068', '074', '084'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'127', '203', '252', '005', '209', '205', '130', '269', '141', '271', '196', '257', '225', '199', '264', '180', '134', '192', '002', '218', '190', '008', '250', '258', '027', '221', '012', '247', '133', '265', '139', '277', '014', '208', '023', '025', '202', '212', '206', '261', '152', '178', '185', '270', '176', '211', '219', '259', '145', '254', '213', '129', '186', '153', '197', '144', '272', '179', '011', '004', '154', '188', '006', '222', '140', '148', '018', '151', '273', '229', '262', '195', '021', '194', '135', '001', '276', '003', '017', '143', '019', '009', '024', '255', '280', '256', '227', '137', '226', '010', '210', '013', '214', '187', '230', '126', '216', '022', '142', '268', '251', '177', '020', '189', '181', '193', '150', '182', '223', '155', '275', '016', '147', '201', '263', '204', '191', '228', '015', '200', '184', '026', '224', '267', '138', '156', '260', '198', '220', '149', '207', '274', '217', '215', '266', '029', '248', '249', '132', '128', '146', '007', '279', '278', '131', '253', '136', '028', '183'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'240', '232', '236', '243', '239', '235', '246', '241', '237', '233', '238', '231', '234', '244', '242', '245'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'057', '044', '045', '056', '055', '052', '054', '050', '051', '049', '048', '046', '053', '047'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'065', '064', '066'}
Continue solving
Iteration 8: Finding subtours
Adding 20 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '171', '088', '100', '039', '166', '052', '082', '090', '161', '094', '098', '078', '164', '168', '030', '125', '031', '157', '124', '121', '045', '101', '123', '038', '093', '097', '057', '071', '172', '096', '047', '040', '159', '105', '058', '075', '111', '051', '173', '122', '163', '112', '169', '099', '036', '073', '174', '167', '119', '069', '034', '087', '095', '102', '079', '104', '072', '042', '081', '103', '043', '158', '083', '160', '175', '080', '091', '109', '067', '110', '070', '050', '044', '120', '046', '162', '107', '077', '061', '076', '033', '060', '054', '035', '108', '049', '170', '032', '053', '048', '037', '092', '041', '165', '106', '059', '056', '055', '068', '074', '084'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'127', '152', '178', '185', '176', '143', '147', '130', '201', '191', '196', '200', '184', '199', '180', '145', '192', '156', '187', '129', '186', '153', '190', '197', '198', '179', '142', '154', '188', '177', '020', '151', '181', '189', '193', '195', '128', '021', '194', '146', '150', '131', '182', '183', '155'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'208', '203', '252', '202', '205', '207', '253', '206', '204'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'001', '243', '005', '241', '002', '280', '242'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'209', '211', '219', '228', '227', '225', '226', '224', '210', '213', '214', '230', '244', '218', '250', '220', '216', '221', '247', '217', '251', '215', '222', '249', '248', '229', '212', '223'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'252', '263', '255', '141', '256', '259', '257', '137', '264', '267', '254', '138', '260', '258', '265', '139', '266', '148', '262', '261'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'006', '273', '276', '005', '008', '272', '007', '009', '277', '004', '274', '271', '275'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'240', '232', '236', '239', '235', '246', '237', '233', '238', '231', '234', '245'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'018', '132', '270', '016', '017', '134', '019', '133'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'026', '010', '023', '022', '027', '025', '024', '013', '012', '014', '011', '015'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'062', '115', '063', '065', '113', '116', '085', '117', '118', '114', '066', '086', '064'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'140'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'135', '136'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'003'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'126', '029', '028'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'268'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'279', '278'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'135', '269'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'144'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'149'}
Continue solving
Iteration 9: Finding subtours
Adding 11 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '171', '088', '100', '039', '166', '052', '082', '090', '161', '094', '098', '078', '164', '168', '030', '125', '031', '157', '124', '121', '045', '101', '123', '038', '093', '097', '057', '071', '172', '096', '047', '040', '159', '105', '058', '075', '111', '051', '173', '122', '163', '112', '169', '099', '036', '073', '174', '167', '119', '069', '034', '095', '102', '079', '104', '072', '042', '081', '103', '043', '158', '083', '160', '175', '080', '091', '109', '067', '110', '070', '050', '044', '120', '046', '162', '107', '077', '061', '076', '033', '060', '054', '035', '108', '049', '170', '032', '053', '048', '037', '092', '041', '165', '106', '059', '056', '055', '068', '074'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'127', '152', '178', '185', '176', '130', '201', '191', '196', '200', '184', '199', '180', '192', '156', '187', '129', '186', '153', '190', '197', '198', '179', '154', '188', '177', '020', '151', '181', '189', '193', '195', '128', '021', '194', '150', '131', '182', '183', '155'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'208', '203', '252', '202', '205', '207', '253', '206', '204'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'001', '276', '252', '003', '005', '270', '016', '209', '017', '019', '269', '263', '255', '211', '280', '271', '256', '219', '259', '227', '257', '137', '228', '225', '226', '264', '224', '134', '267', '254', '210', '002', '213', '214', '260', '230', '244', '218', '250', '258', '220', '272', '216', '221', '133', '277', '004', '274', '268', '265', '247', '217', '251', '215', '273', '018', '266', '222', '249', '248', '132', '229', '262', '135', '223', '279', '278', '212', '136', '261', '275'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'145', '144', '146', '143', '142', '147', '141'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'240', '232', '236', '243', '239', '235', '246', '241', '237', '233', '238', '231', '234', '242', '245'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'006', '008', '026', '010', '023', '022', '027', '025', '024', '013', '012', '014', '011', '009', '007', '015'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'062', '087', '115', '063', '084', '065', '113', '116', '085', '117', '118', '114', '066', '086', '064'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'140'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'140', '148', '149', '138', '139', '141'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'126', '029', '028'}
Continue solving
Iteration 10: Finding subtours
Adding 10 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '171', '088', '100', '039', '166', '052', '082', '090', '161', '094', '098', '078', '164', '168', '030', '125', '031', '157', '124', '121', '045', '101', '123', '038', '093', '097', '057', '071', '172', '096', '047', '040', '159', '105', '058', '075', '111', '051', '173', '122', '163', '112', '169', '099', '036', '073', '174', '167', '119', '069', '034', '087', '095', '102', '079', '104', '072', '042', '081', '103', '043', '158', '083', '160', '175', '080', '091', '109', '067', '110', '070', '050', '044', '120', '046', '162', '107', '077', '076', '033', '060', '054', '035', '108', '049', '170', '032', '053', '048', '037', '092', '041', '165', '059', '056', '055', '068', '074', '084'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'127', '203', '252', '152', '178', '185', '176', '205', '130', '201', '204', '191', '196', '200', '184', '199', '180', '145', '254', '192', '156', '187', '129', '186', '153', '190', '197', '198', '144', '179', '207', '154', '188', '177', '208', '020', '151', '181', '189', '193', '195', '128', '021', '194', '150', '253', '131', '202', '206', '182', '183', '155'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'001', '276', '003', '005', '270', '016', '017', '019', '269', '263', '255', '280', '271', '256', '259', '257', '137', '264', '134', '267', '254', '002', '260', '258', '272', '133', '277', '004', '274', '268', '265', '273', '018', '266', '132', '262', '135', '279', '278', '136', '261', '275'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'209', '211', '219', '228', '227', '225', '226', '224', '210', '213', '214', '230', '244', '218', '250', '220', '216', '221', '247', '217', '251', '215', '222', '249', '248', '229', '212', '223'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'140', '148', '146', '147', '143', '142', '149', '138', '139', '141'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'240', '232', '236', '243', '239', '235', '246', '241', '237', '233', '238', '231', '234', '242', '245'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'006', '008', '026', '010', '023', '022', '027', '025', '024', '013', '012', '014', '011', '009', '007', '015'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'061', '062', '115', '063', '065', '113', '116', '085', '117', '118', '114', '066', '086', '064'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'126', '029', '028'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'106'}
Continue solving
Iteration 11: Finding subtours
Adding 17 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '104', '109', '110', '092', '108', '090', '103', '102', '091'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'127', '171', '100', '130', '039', '166', '052', '180', '161', '094', '098', '078', '164', '168', '030', '125', '031', '157', '124', '121', '101', '123', '038', '093', '097', '057', '071', '152', '172', '178', '185', '176', '096', '047', '040', '159', '058', '075', '051', '129', '122', '163', '186', '153', '169', '099', '179', '036', '073', '154', '188', '151', '167', '021', '069', '119', '034', '095', '072', '187', '158', '160', '175', '177', '020', '067', '181', '070', '050', '150', '182', '155', '120', '162', '077', '076', '033', '184', '054', '035', '049', '170', '032', '156', '053', '048', '037', '165', '068', '056', '055', '074', '128', '131', '183'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'208', '203', '252', '200', '199', '198', '145', '202', '205', '144', '143', '147', '207', '201', '253', '146', '206', '204'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'001', '276', '252', '003', '005', '270', '016', '209', '017', '019', '269', '263', '255', '211', '280', '271', '256', '219', '259', '227', '257', '137', '228', '225', '226', '264', '224', '134', '267', '254', '210', '002', '213', '214', '260', '230', '244', '218', '250', '258', '220', '272', '216', '221', '133', '277', '004', '274', '268', '265', '247', '217', '251', '215', '273', '018', '266', '222', '249', '248', '132', '229', '262', '135', '223', '279', '278', '212', '136', '261', '275'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'087', '112', '083', '088', '111', '084', '113', '114'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'140', '148', '149', '138', '142', '139', '141'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'240', '232', '236', '243', '239', '235', '246', '241', '237', '233', '238', '231', '234', '242', '245'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'190', '193', '197', '195', '194', '192', '191', '196'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'006', '008', '026', '010', '023', '022', '027', '025', '024', '013', '012', '014', '011', '009', '007', '015'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'061', '062', '115', '063', '065', '116', '085', '117', '118', '066', '086', '064'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'045', '046'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'106', '105', '107', '173', '174'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'126', '029', '028'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'079', '082', '081', '080'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'041', '043', '044', '042'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'045', '044', '059', '060'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'189'}
Continue solving
Iteration 12: Finding subtours
Adding 5 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '171', '088', '100', '039', '166', '052', '082', '090', '114', '161', '094', '065', '098', '078', '164', '168', '030', '125', '031', '157', '124', '121', '085', '066', '045', '101', '123', '063', '115', '038', '118', '093', '097', '062', '057', '071', '172', '096', '047', '040', '159', '105', '058', '075', '051', '117', '173', '122', '163', '112', '169', '099', '036', '073', '174', '167', '119', '069', '034', '087', '095', '102', '079', '104', '072', '042', '081', '103', '043', '158', '083', '160', '175', '113', '116', '080', '086', '091', '067', '070', '050', '044', '120', '046', '162', '064', '107', '077', '061', '076', '033', '060', '054', '035', '049', '170', '032', '053', '048', '037', '092', '041', '165', '106', '059', '056', '055', '068', '074', '084'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'127', '203', '252', '005', '209', '241', '205', '130', '269', '271', '196', '245', '257', '225', '264', '180', '134', '192', '002', '218', '190', '008', '250', '258', '027', '221', '012', '247', '133', '265', '277', '014', '208', '023', '025', '202', '212', '206', '261', '237', '152', '178', '185', '270', '176', '211', '219', '259', '246', '254', '213', '129', '244', '186', '153', '197', '272', '179', '011', '238', '004', '154', '188', '240', '006', '222', '018', '273', '151', '229', '235', '262', '195', '021', '194', '135', '231', '234', '242', '001', '276', '236', '003', '017', '019', '009', '024', '255', '280', '256', '227', '137', '226', '010', '210', '013', '214', '187', '230', '126', '216', '022', '268', '251', '177', '020', '189', '181', '232', '193', '150', '182', '223', '155', '275', '243', '016', '201', '263', '204', '191', '228', '015', '184', '026', '224', '267', '233', '156', '260', '239', '198', '220', '207', '274', '217', '215', '266', '029', '248', '249', '132', '128', '007', '279', '278', '131', '253', '136', '028', '183'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'140', '148', '200', '199', '145', '144', '147', '143', '142', '146', '149', '138', '139', '141'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'111'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'110', '109', '108'}
Continue solving
Iteration 13: Finding subtours
Adding 3 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '171', '088', '100', '039', '166', '052', '082', '090', '114', '161', '094', '065', '098', '078', '164', '168', '030', '125', '031', '157', '124', '121', '085', '066', '045', '101', '123', '063', '115', '038', '118', '093', '097', '062', '057', '071', '172', '096', '047', '040', '159', '105', '058', '075', '111', '051', '117', '173', '122', '163', '112', '169', '099', '036', '073', '174', '167', '119', '069', '034', '087', '095', '102', '079', '104', '072', '042', '081', '103', '043', '158', '083', '160', '175', '113', '116', '080', '086', '091', '109', '067', '110', '070', '050', '044', '120', '046', '162', '064', '107', '077', '061', '076', '033', '060', '054', '035', '108', '049', '170', '032', '053', '048', '037', '092', '041', '165', '059', '056', '055', '068', '074', '084'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'127', '203', '252', '005', '209', '241', '205', '130', '269', '141', '271', '196', '245', '257', '225', '199', '264', '180', '134', '192', '002', '218', '190', '008', '250', '258', '027', '221', '012', '247', '133', '265', '139', '277', '014', '208', '023', '025', '202', '212', '206', '261', '237', '152', '178', '185', '270', '176', '211', '219', '259', '246', '145', '254', '213', '129', '244', '186', '153', '197', '144', '272', '179', '011', '238', '004', '154', '188', '240', '006', '140', '222', '148', '018', '151', '273', '229', '235', '262', '195', '021', '194', '135', '231', '234', '242', '001', '276', '236', '003', '017', '143', '019', '009', '024', '255', '280', '256', '227', '137', '226', '010', '210', '013', '214', '187', '230', '126', '216', '022', '142', '268', '251', '177', '020', '189', '181', '232', '193', '150', '182', '223', '155', '275', '243', '016', '147', '201', '263', '204', '191', '228', '015', '200', '184', '026', '224', '267', '233', '138', '156', '260', '239', '198', '220', '149', '207', '274', '217', '215', '266', '029', '248', '249', '132', '128', '146', '007', '279', '278', '131', '253', '136', '028', '183'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'106'}
Continue solving
Iteration 14: Finding subtours
Adding 8 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '171', '127', '100', '130', '196', '199', '166', '180', '090', '192', '161', '094', '098', '164', '168', '125', '157', '190', '124', '121', '101', '123', '093', '097', '152', '172', '178', '185', '176', '096', '159', '105', '173', '122', '129', '163', '186', '153', '169', '099', '197', '179', '154', '188', '174', '151', '167', '195', '021', '194', '119', '095', '102', '104', '103', '187', '158', '126', '160', '175', '091', '177', '020', '189', '181', '193', '150', '182', '155', '120', '201', '162', '107', '191', '200', '184', '108', '170', '156', '092', '198', '165', '106', '128', '131', '183'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'208', '203', '252', '202', '205', '207', '253', '206', '204'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'005', '209', '241', '269', '271', '245', '257', '225', '264', '134', '002', '218', '250', '258', '221', '133', '277', '265', '247', '212', '261', '237', '270', '211', '219', '259', '246', '254', '213', '244', '272', '238', '004', '240', '273', '018', '222', '229', '235', '262', '135', '231', '234', '242', '001', '276', '236', '003', '017', '019', '255', '280', '256', '227', '137', '226', '210', '214', '230', '216', '268', '251', '232', '223', '275', '243', '016', '263', '228', '224', '267', '233', '260', '239', '220', '274', '217', '215', '266', '249', '248', '132', '279', '278', '136'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'057', '087', '071', '044', '088', '009', '024', '046', '079', '047', '077', '040', '015', '072', '039', '042', '076', '081', '058', '075', '054', '052', '060', '082', '051', '035', '049', '026', '010', '013', '032', '053', '048', '078', '043', '037', '033', '030', '031', '083', '008', '022', '027', '011', '036', '012', '073', '080', '041', '006', '029', '045', '067', '059', '068', '056', '055', '070', '074', '084', '050', '023', '007', '025', '038', '069', '014', '028', '034'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'140', '148', '145', '144', '147', '143', '142', '146', '149', '138', '139', '141'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'109', '110', '113', '116', '085', '086'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'062', '061', '114', '112', '115', '063', '111', '117', '118', '066', '064'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'065'}
Continue solving
Iteration 15: Finding subtours
Adding 26 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '171', '152', '172', '185', '100', '178', '095', '120', '176', '096', '102', '191', '107', '159', '104', '105', '184', '166', '180', '108', '090', '192', '103', '170', '173', '156', '187', '094', '129', '098', '122', '161', '158', '168', '186', '126', '153', '125', '157', '169', '190', '099', '124', '160', '175', '092', '179', '121', '154', '091', '188', '174', '177', '165', '183', '106', '189', '151', '181', '101', '167', '193', '123', '110', '109', '128', '150', '119', '093', '182', '097', '155'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'127'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'203', '252', '270', '209', '205', '147', '143', '269', '201', '263', '141', '255', '211', '204', '256', '219', '259', '227', '257', '137', '228', '225', '200', '199', '226', '264', '224', '145', '134', '267', '254', '138', '210', '213', '214', '260', '230', '244', '218', '250', '198', '258', '144', '149', '216', '142', '220', '207', '221', '265', '139', '268', '247', '217', '251', '215', '208', '140', '266', '148', '222', '249', '248', '229', '262', '146', '135', '253', '202', '212', '136', '206', '261', '223'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'001', '243', '005', '241', '002', '280', '242'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'057', '087', '071', '044', '088', '079', '077', '040', '072', '039', '042', '076', '081', '058', '075', '060', '082', '035', '043', '078', '037', '083', '036', '073', '080', '041', '059', '067', '068', '070', '074', '084', '038', '069', '034'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'018', '132', '017', '019', '130', '131', '133'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'006', '273', '276', '005', '008', '272', '007', '009', '277', '004', '274', '271', '275'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'240', '232', '236', '239', '235', '246', '237', '233', '238', '231', '234', '245'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'045', '054', '055', '052', '046', '053'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'030', '031', '033', '032'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'026', '010', '023', '022', '027', '025', '024', '013', '012', '014', '011', '015'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'065', '085', '066'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'062', '063', '064'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'061', '115', '111', '117', '118', '114'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'112'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'194', '197', '195', '196'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'003'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'086', '113', '116'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'130', '020', '021'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'048', '047', '050', '049'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'162', '164', '163'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'056'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'279', '278'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'028', '029'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'051'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'016'}
Continue solving
Iteration 16: Finding subtours
Adding 5 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '171', '127', '203', '252', '005', '088', '100', '209', '241', '205', '269', '141', '271', '196', '245', '257', '039', '225', '199', '166', '264', '180', '082', '134', '090', '192', '161', '094', '098', '078', '164', '168', '030', '125', '218', '031', '157', '190', '008', '124', '250', '258', '121', '221', '012', '247', '133', '265', '139', '277', '014', '027', '208', '045', '101', '123', '023', '025', '038', '202', '212', '093', '206', '261', '097', '237', '057', '071', '152', '172', '178', '185', '270', '176', '096', '211', '219', '040', '259', '159', '058', '105', '075', '246', '145', '254', '213', '173', '122', '129', '244', '163', '186', '153', '169', '099', '197', '144', '272', '179', '011', '036', '238', '004', '073', '154', '188', '240', '174', '006', '140', '222', '148', '018', '151', '273', '167', '229', '235', '262', '195', '194', '135', '119', '069', '231', '234', '034', '242', '001', '276', '087', '236', '003', '095', '017', '143', '019', '009', '024', '102', '255', '280', '079', '256', '227', '072', '137', '104', '042', '081', '226', '010', '210', '013', '103', '214', '187', '230', '043', '158', '126', '083', '160', '175', '216', '022', '142', '080', '268', '091', '251', '177', '109', '189', '232', '181', '067', '193', '110', '070', '150', '182', '223', '155', '275', '044', '243', '016', '120', '147', '201', '046', '263', '162', '204', '191', '228', '015', '077', '107', '076', '200', '184', '033', '060', '026', '224', '035', '108', '267', '233', '138', '170', '032', '156', '260', '037', '239', '092', '198', '220', '149', '207', '274', '041', '217', '165', '215', '266', '029', '106', '248', '249', '059', '132', '055', '056', '068', '074', '128', '084', '146', '007', '279', '278', '253', '136', '028', '183'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'020', '130', '131', '021'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'054', '052', '050', '051', '049', '048', '053', '047'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'061', '062', '112', '115', '063', '111', '065', '113', '116', '085', '117', '118', '114', '066', '086', '064'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'002'}
Continue solving
Iteration 17: Finding subtours
Adding 2 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '171', '127', '203', '252', '005', '088', '100', '209', '241', '205', '269', '130', '141', '271', '196', '245', '257', '039', '225', '199', '166', '052', '264', '180', '082', '134', '090', '192', '114', '161', '094', '065', '098', '078', '164', '168', '030', '125', '218', '031', '157', '190', '008', '124', '250', '258', '121', '221', '012', '247', '133', '265', '139', '277', '014', '027', '066', '208', '045', '101', '123', '115', '063', '023', '025', '038', '118', '202', '212', '093', '206', '261', '097', '237', '062', '057', '071', '152', '172', '178', '185', '270', '176', '096', '211', '219', '047', '040', '259', '159', '105', '058', '075', '246', '051', '145', '111', '254', '213', '117', '173', '122', '129', '244', '163', '186', '153', '112', '169', '099', '197', '144', '272', '179', '011', '036', '238', '004', '073', '154', '188', '240', '174', '006', '140', '222', '148', '018', '151', '273', '085', '167', '229', '235', '262', '195', '021', '194', '135', '119', '069', '231', '234', '034', '242', '001', '276', '087', '236', '003', '095', '017', '143', '019', '009', '024', '102', '255', '280', '079', '256', '227', '104', '137', '072', '042', '081', '226', '010', '210', '103', '013', '214', '187', '230', '043', '158', '126', '083', '160', '175', '216', '022', '142', '116', '113', '080', '268', '091', '086', '251', '177', '109', '189', '232', '181', '020', '193', '067', '110', '070', '050', '150', '182', '223', '155', '275', '044', '243', '016', '120', '147', '201', '046', '263', '162', '064', '204', '107', '191', '228', '015', '077', '061', '076', '200', '184', '033', '060', '026', '054', '224', '035', '108', '049', '267', '233', '138', '170', '032', '156', '260', '053', '048', '037', '239', '092', '198', '220', '149', '207', '274', '041', '217', '165', '215', '266', '029', '106', '248', '249', '059', '132', '055', '056', '068', '074', '128', '084', '146', '007', '279', '278', '131', '253', '136', '028', '183'}
Iteration 18: Finding subtours
Adding 4 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '171', '127', '203', '252', '005', '088', '100', '209', '241', '205', '130', '269', '141', '271', '245', '196', '257', '039', '225', '199', '166', '264', '180', '082', '134', '090', '192', '002', '114', '161', '065', '098', '078', '164', '168', '030', '125', '218', '031', '157', '190', '008', '124', '250', '258', '121', '027', '012', '133', '277', '265', '247', '221', '139', '066', '085', '208', '045', '101', '123', '063', '115', '023', '025', '038', '118', '202', '212', '093', '206', '261', '062', '057', '071', '152', '172', '270', '185', '178', '176', '211', '219', '040', '259', '159', '105', '058', '075', '111', '145', '254', '213', '117', '173', '122', '129', '244', '163', '186', '153', '112', '169', '099', '197', '144', '272', '179', '011', '036', '073', '004', '154', '188', '240', '174', '006', '273', '018', '222', '148', '140', '151', '167', '229', '262', '195', '021', '194', '135', '119', '069', '034', '242', '001', '276', '087', '003', '017', '019', '009', '024', '143', '102', '255', '280', '079', '256', '227', '104', '137', '072', '042', '081', '226', '010', '210', '103', '013', '214', '187', '230', '043', '158', '126', '083', '160', '175', '022', '216', '142', '113', '116', '080', '268', '091', '086', '251', '177', '109', '020', '189', '181', '067', '193', '110', '070', '150', '182', '275', '223', '155', '044', '243', '016', '120', '147', '201', '263', '162', '064', '204', '107', '015', '228', '191', '061', '077', '076', '200', '184', '033', '060', '026', '224', '035', '108', '267', '138', '170', '032', '156', '260', '037', '092', '198', '220', '149', '207', '274', '041', '217', '165', '215', '266', '029', '106', '249', '248', '059', '132', '056', '068', '074', '128', '084', '146', '007', '253', '279', '278', '131', '014', '136', '028', '183'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'054', '055', '052', '050', '051', '049', '048', '046', '053', '047'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'094', '095', '097', '096'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'232', '236', '239', '235', '246', '233', '238', '231', '234', '237'}
Continue solving
Iteration 19: Finding subtours
Adding 3 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '171', '127', '005', '088', '100', '269', '271', '196', '039', '199', '166', '052', '082', '180', '134', '090', '192', '002', '114', '161', '094', '065', '098', '078', '164', '168', '030', '125', '031', '157', '190', '008', '124', '121', '027', '012', '085', '277', '066', '139', '045', '101', '123', '115', '063', '023', '025', '038', '118', '093', '097', '062', '057', '071', '152', '172', '178', '185', '270', '176', '096', '047', '040', '159', '105', '058', '075', '111', '051', '145', '117', '173', '122', '129', '163', '186', '153', '112', '169', '099', '197', '272', '179', '011', '036', '073', '004', '154', '188', '174', '006', '273', '148', '151', '167', '195', '194', '135', '119', '069', '034', '001', '276', '087', '003', '095', '009', '024', '102', '280', '079', '104', '137', '072', '042', '081', '010', '103', '013', '187', '043', '158', '126', '083', '160', '175', '022', '113', '116', '080', '268', '091', '086', '177', '109', '189', '067', '181', '193', '110', '070', '050', '150', '182', '275', '155', '044', '016', '120', '046', '162', '064', '107', '191', '015', '077', '061', '076', '033', '184', '060', '054', '026', '035', '108', '049', '267', '138', '170', '032', '156', '053', '048', '037', '092', '198', '149', '274', '041', '165', '029', '106', '059', '056', '055', '068', '074', '128', '084', '146', '007', '279', '278', '014', '136', '028', '183'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'203', '243', '252', '236', '209', '241', '205', '143', '147', '201', '263', '141', '255', '219', '204', '256', '228', '259', '245', '257', '227', '234', '225', '200', '226', '264', '246', '224', '254', '233', '210', '213', '214', '260', '230', '244', '218', '239', '231', '250', '258', '144', '220', '216', '142', '221', '207', '238', '265', '247', '240', '217', '251', '215', '208', '140', '266', '222', '249', '248', '232', '229', '235', '262', '211', '223', '253', '202', '212', '206', '261', '242', '237'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'018', '020', '132', '017', '021', '019', '133', '130', '131'}
Continue solving
Iteration 20: Finding subtours
Adding 3 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '171', '127', '203', '252', '005', '088', '100', '209', '241', '205', '130', '269', '141', '271', '196', '245', '257', '039', '225', '199', '166', '264', '180', '082', '134', '090', '192', '002', '114', '161', '094', '065', '098', '078', '164', '168', '030', '125', '218', '031', '157', '190', '008', '124', '250', '258', '121', '221', '012', '247', '133', '265', '139', '277', '014', '027', '066', '208', '101', '123', '063', '115', '023', '025', '038', '118', '202', '212', '093', '206', '261', '097', '237', '062', '057', '071', '152', '172', '178', '185', '270', '176', '096', '211', '219', '040', '259', '159', '105', '058', '075', '246', '111', '254', '213', '117', '173', '122', '129', '244', '163', '186', '153', '112', '169', '099', '197', '272', '179', '011', '036', '238', '004', '073', '154', '188', '240', '174', '006', '222', '140', '148', '018', '151', '273', '085', '167', '229', '235', '262', '195', '021', '194', '135', '119', '069', '231', '234', '034', '242', '001', '276', '087', '236', '003', '095', '017', '019', '009', '024', '102', '255', '280', '079', '256', '227', '104', '137', '072', '042', '081', '226', '010', '210', '103', '013', '214', '187', '230', '043', '158', '126', '083', '160', '175', '216', '022', '142', '113', '116', '080', '268', '091', '086', '251', '177', '109', '020', '189', '181', '232', '193', '067', '110', '070', '150', '182', '223', '155', '275', '044', '243', '016', '120', '147', '201', '263', '162', '064', '204', '107', '191', '228', '015', '061', '077', '076', '200', '184', '033', '060', '026', '224', '035', '108', '267', '233', '138', '170', '032', '156', '260', '037', '239', '092', '198', '220', '149', '207', '274', '041', '217', '165', '215', '266', '029', '106', '248', '249', '059', '132', '068', '074', '128', '084', '007', '279', '278', '131', '253', '136', '028', '183'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'045', '056', '055', '052', '054', '050', '051', '049', '048', '046', '053', '047'}
Adding cut for subtour: {'144', '143', '146', '145'}
Continue solving
Iteration 21: Finding subtours
No subtours detected. Not adding any cut
Iteration 22: Finding subtours
Adding 2 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '171', '127', '203', '005', '088', '100', '209', '241', '205', '130', '269', '141', '271', '196', '245', '257', '039', '225', '199', '166', '052', '264', '180', '082', '134', '090', '192', '002', '114', '161', '094', '065', '098', '078', '164', '168', '030', '125', '218', '031', '157', '190', '008', '124', '250', '258', '121', '221', '012', '247', '133', '265', '139', '277', '027', '066', '085', '208', '045', '101', '123', '063', '115', '023', '025', '038', '118', '202', '212', '093', '206', '261', '097', '237', '062', '057', '071', '152', '172', '178', '185', '270', '176', '096', '211', '219', '047', '040', '259', '159', '105', '058', '075', '246', '051', '145', '111', '213', '117', '173', '122', '129', '244', '163', '186', '153', '112', '169', '099', '197', '144', '272', '179', '011', '036', '238', '004', '073', '154', '188', '240', '174', '006', '140', '222', '148', '018', '151', '273', '167', '229', '235', '262', '195', '021', '194', '135', '119', '069', '231', '234', '034', '242', '001', '276', '087', '236', '003', '095', '017', '143', '019', '009', '024', '102', '280', '079', '256', '227', '104', '137', '072', '042', '081', '226', '010', '210', '103', '013', '214', '187', '230', '043', '158', '126', '083', '160', '175', '216', '022', '142', '116', '113', '080', '268', '091', '086', '251', '177', '109', '189', '232', '181', '020', '193', '067', '110', '070', '050', '150', '182', '223', '155', '275', '044', '243', '016', '120', '147', '201', '046', '263', '162', '064', '204', '107', '191', '228', '015', '061', '077', '076', '200', '184', '033', '060', '026', '054', '224', '035', '108', '049', '267', '233', '138', '170', '032', '156', '260', '053', '048', '037', '239', '092', '198', '220', '149', '207', '274', '041', '217', '165', '215', '266', '029', '106', '248', '249', '059', '132', '055', '056', '068', '074', '128', '084', '146', '007', '279', '278', '131', '014', '136', '028', '183'}
Iteration 23: Finding subtours
No subtours detected. Not adding any cut
Iteration 24: Finding subtours
Adding 2 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '171', '127', '005', '088', '100', '271', '039', '166', '052', '082', '090', '002', '114', '161', '094', '065', '098', '078', '164', '168', '030', '125', '031', '157', '008', '124', '121', '027', '012', '085', '277', '066', '045', '101', '123', '115', '063', '023', '025', '038', '118', '093', '097', '062', '057', '071', '172', '096', '047', '040', '159', '105', '058', '075', '111', '051', '117', '173', '122', '163', '112', '169', '099', '272', '011', '036', '073', '004', '174', '006', '273', '018', '167', '021', '119', '069', '034', '001', '276', '087', '003', '095', '017', '019', '009', '024', '102', '280', '079', '104', '072', '042', '081', '010', '103', '013', '043', '158', '126', '083', '160', '175', '022', '113', '116', '080', '086', '091', '109', '020', '067', '110', '070', '050', '275', '044', '016', '120', '046', '162', '064', '107', '015', '077', '061', '076', '033', '060', '054', '026', '035', '108', '049', '170', '032', '053', '048', '037', '092', '274', '041', '165', '029', '106', '059', '056', '055', '068', '074', '128', '084', '007', '279', '278', '014', '028'}
Iteration 25: Finding subtours
Adding 2 cuts

Adding cut for subtour: {'089', '171', '127', '203', '005', '088', '100', '241', '205', '130', '269', '141', '271', '196', '245', '257', '039', '225', '199', '166', '052', '264', '180', '082', '134', '090', '192', '002', '114', '161', '094', '065', '098', '078', '164', '168', '030', '125', '218', '031', '157', '190', '008', '124', '250', '258', '121', '221', '012', '247', '133', '265', '139', '277', '027', '066', '085', '045', '101', '123', '063', '115', '023', '025', '038', '118', '202', '212', '093', '206', '261', '097', '237', '062', '057', '071', '152', '172', '178', '185', '270', '176', '096', '211', '219', '047', '040', '259', '159', '105', '058', '075', '246', '051', '145', '111', '213', '117', '173', '122', '129', '244', '163', '186', '153', '112', '169', '099', '197', '144', '272', '179', '011', '036', '238', '004', '073', '154', '188', '240', '174', '006', '222', '140', '148', '018', '151', '273', '167', '229', '235', '262', '195', '021', '194', '135', '119', '069', '231', '234', '034', '242', '001', '276', '087', '236', '003', '095', '017', '143', '019', '009', '024', '102', '280', '079', '256', '227', '104', '137', '072', '042', '081', '226', '010', '210', '103', '013', '214', '187', '230', '043', '158', '126', '083', '160', '175', '216', '022', '142', '113', '116', '080', '268', '091', '086', '251', '177', '109', '020', '189', '181', '232', '193', '067', '110', '070', '050', '150', '182', '223', '155', '275', '044', '243', '016', '120', '147', '201', '046', '263', '162', '064', '204', '107', '191', '228', '015', '061', '077', '076', '200', '184', '033', '060', '026', '054', '224', '035', '108', '049', '267', '233', '138', '170', '032', '156', '260', '053', '048', '037', '239', '092', '198', '220', '149', '207', '274', '041', '217', '165', '215', '266', '029', '106', '248', '249', '059', '132', '055', '056', '068', '074', '128', '084', '146', '007', '279', '278', '131', '014', '136', '028', '183'}
Iteration 26: Finding subtours
No subtours detected. Not adding any cut
Gurobi 10.0.2: optimal solution; objective 2586.76964756316
3196 simplex iterations
516 branching nodes
absmipgap=9.09495e-13, relmipgap=0
Get the solution, print it and display it
# Get the solution into ARCS
ARCS = ampl.get_data("{(i,j) in PAIRS : X[i,j] > 0} X[i,j];")
ARCS = set([(i, j) for (i, j, k) in ARCS.toList()])
# Display it
tours = findSubTours(ARCS, NODES)
for st in tours:
plotTours(tours, CPOINTS)
['089', '090', '091', '092', '093', '094', '095', '096', '097', '098', '099', '100', '101', '102', '103', '104', '105', '106', '107', '174', '173', '172', '171', '170', '169', '168', '167', '166', '165', '164', '163', '162', '161', '175', '160', '159', '158', '157', '119', '120', '121', '122', '123', '124', '125', '030', '126', '127', '128', '021', '020', '019', '132', '131', '130', '129', '154', '155', '153', '156', '152', '151', '177', '178', '150', '179', '180', '176', '181', '182', '183', '184', '185', '186', '187', '188', '189', '190', '191', '192', '193', '197', '194', '195', '196', '201', '198', '199', '200', '202', '203', '204', '205', '206', '207', '208', '209', '210', '211', '212', '213', '214', '215', '216', '217', '218', '219', '220', '221', '222', '223', '224', '225', '226', '227', '228', '229', '230', '251', '250', '247', '245', '246', '231', '232', '233', '234', '235', '236', '237', '238', '239', '240', '241', '244', '243', '242', '002', '001', '280', '003', '279', '278', '248', '249', '256', '255', '252', '253', '254', '257', '258', '259', '260', '261', '262', '263', '264', '265', '266', '140', '141', '142', '143', '144', '145', '146', '147', '148', '149', '139', '138', '137', '267', '268', '136', '135', '269', '270', '134', '133', '018', '017', '016', '271', '272', '273', '274', '275', '276', '277', '004', '005', '006', '007', '008', '009', '010', '011', '012', '013', '015', '014', '024', '023', '025', '022', '026', '027', '028', '029', '031', '032', '033', '034', '035', '036', '037', '038', '039', '040', '041', '042', '043', '060', '061', '118', '062', '063', '059', '044', '045', '046', '047', '048', '049', '050', '051', '052', '053', '054', '055', '056', '057', '058', '064', '065', '066', '067', '068', '069', '070', '071', '072', '073', '074', '075', '076', '077', '078', '079', '080', '081', '082', '083', '084', '085', '086', '116', '117', '115', '114', '113', '087', '088', '112', '111', '110', '108', '109']

time() - t0 # seconds